Saturday, March 10, 2012

What are some fun games teens can play at a sleepover?

My 15th birthday is coming up in a week and I'm going to have a sleepover. There will be 3 girls there including me. What are some fun games to play besides Truth or Dare?What are some fun games teens can play at a sleepover?
Make your 3 friends bring 3 guys and have a big 7-way.What are some fun games teens can play at a sleepover?
Get an object and sit in a circle and the birthday girl starts by passing it to the person on her right and says "This is a.......... The person says "A what?" and the birthday girl says "A ......

The girl takes it and passes it to the person on her right and says "This is a ....... That person says"A what?" And the girl looks at you and says a what and you say a ...............

Each time it is passed, they have to say "this is a.....(what ever it is) and the person it is passed to

says "a what" and each person has to ask the person who gave it to them "a what?" until it gets to

the first person who tells the person she gave it to what it is and they tell the person who they gave it to what it is until it gets to the person who has it.

It is a memory game.What are some fun games teens can play at a sleepover?
find the pickle

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