Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Are there any fun games for girls for Xbox 360?

Im planning to get an xbox 360 but I coundt find any girl gamesAre there any fun games for girls for Xbox 360?
Depends what you like.

Im a girl but i love Bioshock, it has cool characters and its sort of set in the 40's or something, great is a shooter which guys love Other shooting games i cant stand but this one is good.

I guess guitar hero and crash bandicoot. which i think there is one made for the 360.

You might like overlord too. its more of a cartoony game.
Guitar Hero!!!! SOOO much fun lol its addictingAre there any fun games for girls for Xbox 360?
yeah a+ to guitar hero. rock band to.
To add some others you might enjoy:

Viva Pinata - raise pet pinatas (is much more fun than it sounds)

Beautiful Katamari - roll a big ball around collecting everything in your way, weird but interesting and fun

Rock Band - if you like rock or music definitely check this out, but be warned it will cost a lot!

You can find more recommendations and better, friends to play with at if you want, I use it and have met a lot of players.Are there any fun games for girls for Xbox 360?
if you go in to a video game game store and ask one of the staff if they do any girl games for the xbox 360?

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